
Fieste del Patrie dal Friûl 2022

Incuintri al doman

Produced by Istitût Ladin Furlan “Pre Checo Placerean”, in cooperation with ARLeF – Agenzia Regionale per la Lingua Friulana

Incuintri al Doman, the official hymn of Friuli, in a new interpretation created by the Moments group, based on an idea by Moreno Valentinuzzi. The amazing views of the natural biotope of Flambro’s springs and Mulino Braida frame the hymn and the story in images. Directed by Giorgio Milocco.

Lyrics of Incuintri al doman

In alt o fradis, / o int di Aquilee, / devant da la Storie, / di front dal doman. / Sin flame ch’e vîf / pes stradis dal mont / sin non di une Patrie / sin fîs dal Friûl. // Scolte o Friûl, / o tiere di libars, / di lenghis e popui / sês cjase di pâs. / Dai secui i paris / nus clamin adun / a fâsi lidrîs di unic destin. / In alt o Friûl, / o Patrie mê sante, / di fuarce e sperance / si viest la tô int. / Un popul sigûr / ch’al cjamine te lûs / incuintri al doman, / incuintri ai siei fîs.

Up above o brothers, o people of Aquileia, / in front of History, in front of tomorrow. / We are a flame that lives along the paths of the world / We are the name of a Homeland, we are children of Friuli. / Listen o Friuli, land of the free, / of languages and populations, you are the peaceful dwelling. / From the centuries, our forefathers call upon us together / to become the roots of a single destiny. / Up above o Friuli, o my holy Homeland, / in strength and hope your people are clad. / A confident people who walks in the light / towards tomorrow, towards its children.


Directed by: Giorgio Milocco
Music by: Valter Sivilotti
Lyrics by: Renato Stroili Gurisatti
Musical initiative of: Moreno Valentinuzzi
Musical production: Matteo Avian
Members of Moments group: Moreno Valentinuzzi, Stefano Minigutti, Matteo Avian, Diego Valentinuzzi
Entry voices: Irene e Greta Avian
Recording and mixing by: Matteo Avian at Studio Sventracks in Visco
Mastering by: Francesco Marzona
Children in the video: Samuel e Matteo Valentinuzzi, Greta Avian
Created by: Quasar Corporate
Subject and screenplay: Arianna Picco
Director of photography: Tommaso Balestra

Duration: 4.02 min

Ducj i video di

Stanus Daûr

Components ARLeF


Agjenzie Regjonâl pe Lenghe Furlane

vie della Prefettura, 13

33100 Udin

tel. +39 0432 555812

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