
Fieste de Patrie dal Friûl 2023

Incuintri al doman

Produced by Istitût Ladin Furlan “Pre Checo Placerean”, in cooperation with ARLeF – Agenzia Regionale per la Lingua Friulana

Incuintri al doman, the official hymn of Friuli, in a new interpretation created by the choir VocinVolo e the pianist Alessio Domini, filmed in Villa Gallici Deciano in Montegnacco, Cassacco. Directed by Giorgio Milocco.

Lyrics of Incuintri al doman

In alt o fradis, / o int di Aquilee, / devant da la Storie, / di front dal doman. / Sin flame ch’e vîf / pes stradis dal mont / sin non di une Patrie / sin fîs dal Friûl. // Scolte o Friûl, / o tiere di libars, / di lenghis e popui / sês cjase di pâs. / Dai secui i paris / nus clamin adun / a fâsi lidrîs di unic destin. / In alt o Friûl, / o Patrie mê sante, / di fuarce e sperance / si viest la tô int. / Un popul sigûr / ch’al cjamine te lûs / incuintri al doman, / incuintri ai siei fîs.

Up above o brothers, o people of Aquileia, / in front of History, in front of tomorrow. / We are a flame that lives along the paths of the world / We are the name of a Homeland, we are children of Friuli. / Listen o Friuli, land of the free, / of languages and populations, you are the peaceful dwelling. / From the centuries, our forefathers call upon us together / to become the roots of a single destiny. / Up above o Friuli, o my holy Homeland, / in strength and hope your people are clad. / A confident people who walks in the light / towards tomorrow, towards its children.

Progject funded by ARLeF – Agjenzie Regjonâl pe Lenghe Furlane and Friuli-Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region


Directed by: Giorgio Milocco
Music by: Valter Sivilotti
Lyrics by: Renato Stroili Gurisatti
Choir: VocinVolo – Ritmea in Udine
Director: Lucia Follador
Piano: Alessio Domini
Recording and mixing by: Stefano Amerio in Artesuono Recording Studios in Cavalicco, Tavagnacco
Created by: Quasar Corporate
Director of photography: Tommaso Balestra

Duration: 3.54 min
Language: Friulian

Ducj i video di

Stanus Daûr

Components ARLeF


Agjenzie Regjonâl pe Lenghe Furlane

vie della Prefettura, 13

33100 Udin

tel. +39 0432 555812

codiç fiscâl: 94094780304