
Since the inception of the Kingdom of Italy, the school has always played an important role in the linguistic policy of our country.
Until 1945, the trend followed of the Ministry of Education was to privilege Italian in primary school, that is the Tuscan spoken in Florence chosen as the official language and symbol of the achieved territorial and political unity.

On the contrary, in the ‘20s, the Fascist regime imposed the teaching of Italian also in alloglot schools especially those present in the ‘Unredeemed lands’. With the advent of democracy, the Constituents wanted to include a legal regulation in the Fundamental principles to protect linguistic minorities. The ordinary legislator quickly ensured forms of guarantee for some minor languages spoken in the “linguistic peninsulas” (French, Slovene, German): all the others, instead, were excluded.

For more than fifty years, every initiative aimed at enhancing the value of Friulian in schools was undertaken only at a local level, especially thanks to some school operators supported by the Friulian Philological Society and then trained by the new University of Udine. Also Regional Law 15/96 is quite important because it introduced some major forms of support for Friulian teaching.

In 1999, the Parliament approved Law no. 482 to protect twelve minor languages, including Friulian.

After the Implementation regulation was issued in 2001, the Regional educational authority started the systematic application of the law in institutions, suggesting that teachers should opt for multilingualism intended as the ability to «master several languages, manipulate several codes, grasp the deeper sense of social group identity of which the language is an expression».

In 2007, the Region – also following the Implementation Decree of the Autonomy Statute no. 223/2002 – enforced a regional law on the teaching of Friulian and subsequently (in 2011) it issued a regulation. Among other things, the legal regulations provide for a specific “Plan for the implementation of the Friulian teaching system” and the establishment of a Regional list of Friulian teachers.

Here you can read the data supplied by the FVG Regional School Office regarding the subscription to the teaching of the friulian language for academic year 2018/2019.

Consult the materials

Object More
Eurydice's report on the teaching of regional or minority languages in schools in Europe
Teaching in the friulian language: double interview with Clara Putelli and Enza Purino
Teaching friulian language

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